
| Today’s Card: Become Your Own Sovereign

| Deck: Eyes of the Soul Oracle

This is a very strong feminine card to draw and reflect upon. This message carries with it the nurturing qualities that the loving sacred mother teaches us.

To become your own sovereign means to be  loving, gentle, and kind; it reminds us to set up healthy boundaries, it further adds on to reminds us to define within, and for ourselves, why we place the boundaries that we do around ourselves.

If this card speaks to you, ask yourself; Am I clear about the boundaries I have set for myself and others? Am I truly putting myself first by electing to express those boundaries with the pureness of being kind and loving to myself, and therefore also radiating that same expression of self love onto others?

Or, you can ask yourself ; Have I created too many limitations that I find myself on my own lonely island? If so, is it time now to re think these limitations so that it works more gently with the nurturing vibration I wish to remain in balance with?



It is with much love and great joy that I leave you to consider and contemplate Becoming/Being Your Own Sovereign. Allow your higher self to be heard. Know that all the answers you will ever need are all inside of you.

